Article |
Article name |
The Metaphor in Texts of Russian Poets of the 19–20th Centuries as Representation of Social and Cultural Codes of the World Picture |
Authors |
Konopleva N.A.Doctor of Culturology, Professor nika.Konopleva@gmail.comAntipova S.S.Postgraduate Student |
Bibliographic description |
Konopleva N. A., Antipova S. S. The Metaphor in Texts of Russian Poets of the 19–20th Centuries as Representation of Social and Cultural Codes of the World Picture // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Philosophy. Cultural Studies. Sociology. Social Work. 2016. Vol. 11, No. 2. PP. 73–80. |
Section |
008 |
Article type |
Annotation |
This article considers general characteristics of the socio-cultural situation in Russia at the turn of the 19–20th centuries. The article provides the principal features of art of this period. Special attention is paid to literary texts of the Silver age. These texts consider metaphors, where one needs to identify the socio-cultural codes, which contain cultural information allowing to explore the socio-cultural dominant, iconic ideas and values established in this period. The socio-cultural changes have resulted in the formation of a new type of man, have changed his attitude towards the world, his value orientations and attitudes, and the emergence of a new language of art. The case study proved that at the turn of the centuries a fundamental change is undergoing: culture becomes multinational involving spiritual values of different ethnic types, becoming more diverse. The transitional movement in the literature of this period between romanticism and modernism was defined as “decadence”. The case study proved that metaphors often contain the cultural code that has informative component of a particular cultural epoch during which the metaphor was created. Based on the extracted information, it is possible to identify a cultural dominant, iconic ideas, cultural values, created in a particular period.
Key words |
metaphor, culture, socio-cultural code, coding, poetic text |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | The Metaphor in Texts of Russian Poets of the 19–20th Centuries as Representation of Social and Cultural Codes of the World Picture |