Article |
Article name |
National Traditional Culture of Russians of Trekhrechie (China): History and the Present |
Authors |
Namsaraeva T.T.Postgraduate Student |
Bibliographic description |
Namsaraeva T. Ts.-E. National Traditional Culture of Russians of Trekhrechie (China): History and the Present // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Philosophy. Cultural Studies. Sociology. Social Work. 2016. Vol. 11, No. 2. PP. 81–86. |
Section |
008 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The article is devoted to research of national traditional culture of Russians of Trekhrechie in the past and the present aspects. Definitions and the concepts “national traditional culture” and “tradition” of interpretations of various scientists and sociocultural establishments are considered. The analysis of traditional song culture of descendants of the Russians living in the territory of Trekhrechie of China, its occurring genres is submitted, and also traditional household dances are revealed and degree of their safety is defined. In the article, in general, the comparative analysis of traditional culture of Russians of Trekhrechie and Trans-Baikal Territory is given, the best safety of cultural heritage is revealed and the assumption of influence of a certain factor on this result is given. During the research the bases which influenced transformation of culture of this sub-ethnos are established. The genres presenting national traditional culture of a subethnic group of Russians of Trekhrechie are shown in the article. Further deep studying of other types and genres of traditional culture is defined: calendar and family and household ceremonies, folklore, traditional tool creativity, national holidays and so on, for the purpose of the analysis and a better understanding of safety of national traditional culture. The article presents need of return, reconstruction and support of national traditional culture of descendants of Russians of Trekhrechie living in a foreign-language environment.
Key words |
Russian Trekhrechie, cultural heritage, national traditional culture, folklore choreography, song culture, song example of national traditional culture, assimilation processes, foreign ethnical environment |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | National Traditional Culture of Russians of Trekhrechie (China): History and the Present |