Article |
Article name |
The Effect of Thermomagnetic Treatment Conditions on Magnetic Hysteresis Properties of Fe-Cr-Co Hard Magnetic Powder Alloys with 12 and 16 wt. % Cobalt |
Authors |
Vompe T.A.Postgraduate Student, Researcher tvompe@gmail.comUstyukhin A.S.Research Engineer fcbneo@yandex.ruMilyaeiv I. .Doctor of Engineering Science, Leading Researcher imilyaev@mail.ruZelenskiy V.A.Candidate of Physics and Mathematics, Leading Researcher, |
Bibliographic description |
Vompe T.A., Ustyukhin A. S., Milyaev I. M., Zelensky V. A. The Effect of Thermomagnetic Treatment Conditions on Magnetic Hysteresis Properties of Fe-Cr-Co Hard Magnetic Powder Alloys with 12 and 16 wt. % cobalt Scholarly Notes Of Transbaikal State University. Series Physics, Mathematics, Engineering, Technology. 2016. Vol. 11, No 4. P. 77-84. DOI:10.21209/2308-8761-2016-11-4-77-84. |
Section |
10.21209/2308-8761-2016-11-4-77-84 |
621.762+669.1 |
Article type |
Annotation |
In the present work, hard magnetic Fe-Cr-Co alloys containing 12 and 16 wt. % cobalt were obtained by powder metallurgy method. Molybdenum and silicon were used as alloying additives. Vacuum sintering of this alloys allows us to obtain specimens with relative density 96.5—98.5 %. Comparison of magnetic hysteresis properties of Fe-26 % Cr-16 % Co-2 % Mo- 0,5 % Si and Fe-26 % Cr-12 % Co-3 % Mo-0,5 % Si alloys indicated that alloy with 16 wt. % cobalt content usually has a higher coercivity, while alloy with 12 wt. % cobalt content has a higher residual induction. It was found that magnetic hysteresis properties depend on treatment start temperature and cooling rate in a magnetic field. It is possible under certain settings of thermal treatment to obtain an alloy containing 12 wt. % cobalt magnetic hysteresis properties comparable to standards for alloys with 15-16 wt. cobalt. Using alloys with low cobalt content will reduce the economic cost production of permanent magnets and rotors for hysteresis motors.
Key words |
magnetic properties, hard magnetic alloys, coercive force, residual induction, heat treatment |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | The Effect of Thermomagnetic Treatment Conditions on Magnetic Hysteresis Properties of Fe-Cr-Co Hard Magnetic Powder Alloys with 12 and 16 wt. % Cobalt |