Article name Psycho-Pedagogical Model of Ethnic Socialization of Secondary-School Students
Authors Dagbayeva S.B.Candidate of Psychology, Associate Professor
Kimova S.Z.Candidate of Pedagogy Associate Professor
Bibliographic description Dagbaeva S. B., Kimova S. Z. Psycho-Pedagogical Model of Ethnic Socialization of Secondary-School Students // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Pedagogical Sciences. 2016. Vol. 11, No. 5. PP. 6–16. DOI: 10.21209/2542-0089-2016-11-5-6-16.
DOI 10.21209/2542-0089-2016-11-5-6-16
UDK 159.922.4
Article type
Annotation The article highlights the necessity of providing the process of ethnic socialization of the younger generation in new Russia and in the whole world by means of creating special psychological and pedagogical conditions in the educational environment of the secondary school. Ethnic socialization of the individual is understood as a process of formation of ethnic identity, values and tolerance. Necessary psychological and pedagogical condition to achieve these results is the study of ethnic socialization, construction and implementation of psychopedagogical model of ethnic socialization of students in secondary schools. The authors propose a corresponding model, filling the educational environment of the school of ethno-cultural content taking into account the psychological patterns of ethnic socialization. At the core of this model is the cooperation of socialization subjects unfold in academic and extracurricular activities, afterhour time limit and forms of education. Content aspects of ethnic socialization can be traced in the School development program, in the School educational program; and they are specified in the curriculum and the non-linear schedule. The article describes the infrastructure platform, including special areas (an ethno-keeping-room, an ethno park, a museum, an information and resource center, etc.), which immerse the students in ethno-cultural reality. The need to reach all kinds of educational activities in ethnic socialization of students is emphasized. Cooperative learning, project method, the technology of “mosaic class” and others are distinguished as productive technologies of students’ ethnic socialization. The authors propose the criteria of effectiveness evaluation of psycho-pedagogical model of students’ ethnic socialization, algorithm and technological description of its implementation in the road map. The road map is a holistic view of the process in space and time, with reference to the specific technologies and final products of joint and individual activities. In general, psycho-pedagogical model of ethnic socialization of students, presented in the article, meets the criteria of simplicity and portability and can be used to address issues of ethnic socialization of students in every secondary educational institution.
Key words ethnic socialization of pupils, secondary school, psycho-pedagogical model
Article information
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