Article name Personal and Professional Resources of People with Different Levels of Procrastination
Authors Neyaskina Y.Y.Candidate of Psychology, Associate Professor
Sibirtseva E.I.Candidate of Philology
Bibliographic description Neyaskina Yu. Yu., Sibirtseva E. I. Personal and Professional Resources of People with Different Levels of Procrastination // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Pedagogical Sciences. 2016. Vol. 11, No. 5. РP. 67–83. DOI: 10.21209/2542-0089-2016-11-5-67-83.
DOI 10.21209/2542-0089-2016-11-5-67-83
UDK 159.923
Article type
Annotation are increasingly faced with the phenomenon of procrastination. Continuous procrastination “for later” turns the failure of tasks, work in stress mode, the result of poor quality. The aim of this work was to study the specifics of personal and professional resources of persons with different levels of procrastination. The study found that for people with low level of procrastination the meaningfulness of life, future vision, and emotional satisfaction of the previous period are higher. Such people are more likely to demonstrate the skills of active problem-solving, while people with high level of procrastination increasingly choose avoidance and look for social support. Procrastinators’ overall level of perfectionism, and perfectionism aimed at themselves, socially prescribed perfectionism are much higher. The level of procrastination affects the professional resources of the individual, people with high level of procrastination low evaluate their professional success; often claim to professional burnout, reluctance to change anything. Delay of affairs and decision-making is directly related to increased level of anxiety and motivational deficiency. People with low- and middle-procrastination are more passionate about the work process, while for those with high level of procrastination the most important is the process of communication, they think that the team and communication are necessary for their professional achievements. Procrastinators believe that such personal qualities as laziness and lack of self-discipline, as well as their complex relationship with time interfere their professional development, they are afraid of taking responsibility and express disinclination to hold executive positions. Increasing of procrastination level leads to a decrease in the interconnection of individual personality structures; people with low level of procrastination have a higher degree of integration of the personality.
Key words procrastination, personal resources, professional resources, coping strategies, self-efficacy
Article information
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