Article name The Subjective Quality of Life in Different Motivational Scenarios of Using Chats
Authors Surikova Y.A.Candidate of Psychology, Associate Professor
Shiryaeva O.S.Candidate of Psychology, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description Surikova Ya. A., Shiryeva O. S. The Subjective Quality of Life in Different Motivational Scenarios of Using Chats // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Pedagogical Sciencesy. 2016. Vol. 11, No. 5. PP. 122–129. DOI: 10.21209/2542-0089-2016-11-5-122-129.
DOI 10.21209/2542-0089-2016-11-5-122-129
UDK 159.9
Article type
Annotation In the article on the basis of theoretical analysis the possible motivational options of accessing the chat rooms by users are described. It is suggested that a combination of parameters such as the orientation of the person in communication, self-awareness system and attitude to the world and people around, the current emotional evaluation of life, peculiarities of viable beliefs and coping behavior will be the basis of the individual’s ability to use the positive resources of the online environment as one of the phenomena of modern life, and therefore, influence the integrative assessment of satisfaction with the quality of life. The logic of empirical research involves the formation of experimental groups based on the clustering of respondents in the parameters constituting motivational scenarios of referring to chats. Empirical verification of theoretical assumptions is given, we describe three possible motivational scenario appeals to chats: anxietyconformal (your chat as a way to cope with certain psychological discomfort), protective autistic (chat in the chat rooms as a way to escape from reality), structurally-expansive (appeal chat rooms as one of the communication options in the modern world) are represented. The specifics of the subjective quality of life for each of the motivational scenarios are described. It is concluded that all groups of respondents are characterized by a high self-absorption in the communication process, especially the subject-object of its character, the importance of time management capabilities and control the depth, choice of themes, obtaining (ignore) feedback in the communication process. The most significant differences relate to the degree of personal activity, perception of life, themselves, and other people, attitudes of loneliness, viable beliefs and characteristics of coping behavior. The results of research may complement a series of studies aimed at finding ways to optimize the subjective quality of life of various segments of the population.
Key words Internet communication, motivational scenarios of using the chats, the Internet, subjective quality of life
Article information
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