Article name Founding of the Professional, Educational Standards and the NQF as a Condition of Designing the Elements of the Main Professional Educational Programs
Authors Dugarova D.T. Doctor of Pedagogy, professor
Starostina S.E.Doctor of Pedagogy
Cherepanova L.V.Doctor of Pedagogy, professor
Bibliographic description Dugarova D. Ts., Starostina S. E., Cherepanova L. V. Founding of the Professional, Educational Standards and the NQF as a Condition of Designing the Elements of the Main Professional Educational Programs // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. 2016. Vol. 11, No. 6. PP. 65–73. (Series Vocational Education, Theory and Methods of Teaching). DOI: 10.21209/2308-8796-2016-11-6-65-73.
DOI 10.21209/2308-8796-2016-11-6-65-73
UDK 378-021.46
Article type
Annotation The development of higher education in Russia is connected with the education quality improvement which should meet the requirements of the innovative development of economy, the needs of society and each citizen. The inconsistency of professional qualification of graduates and the economy requirements is fixed by employers as the problem of irrevalance of the content of vocational programs. The mechanism to eliminate this inconsistency includes the professional standards ensuring the interaction of qualification requirements of the labour market and the area of education and providing conditions for its legal regulation interaction. The research is aimed at justifying founding as the necessary condition and the mechanism of the interaction of the professional, educational standards and NFQ (the National Qualifications Framework) in the terms of formal education with the attainment of qualifications as well as non-formal “interfirm” education and informal self-education. The theoretical and methodological basis of the research is comprised by: the methodology of the project TUNING, application guide ECTS ( European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System); the contextual approach (A. A. Verbitsky); the conceptual fundamentals of founding (V. D. Shadrikov); “International Standard Classification of Education” of the UNESCO Institute for Statistics. Founding is the meaningful condition of the interaction of the areas of education and labor of the teaching staff, additional vocational program design in the conditions of professional standards introduction. The article describes the stages of the procedure of founding: defining interaction points including goals and objectives, the results, the content and the learning technologies; defining the layers of founding. The first layer is the interaction of indicators characterizing the levels of qualifications (the National Qualifications Framework), generalized labor functions (the professional standard) and professional competences (FSES HE); the second layer presents the interaction of the learning outcomes according to the FSES HE and the professional standards requirements.
Key words additional vocational education, teacher education, founding, the National Qualifications Framework, design, the main professional educational program
Article information
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Full articleFounding of the Professional, Educational Standards and the NQF as a Condition of Designing the Elements of the Main Professional Educational Programs