Article |
Article name |
Principles of Web Media Text Selection for the Formation of the Media Competence of Linguistic Higher School Students |
Authors |
Baguza V.M.Postgraduate Student |
Bibliographic description |
Baguza V. M. Principles of Web Media Text Selection for the Formation of the Media Competence of Linguistic Higher School Students // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. 2016. Vol. 11, No. 6. PP. 80–85. (Series Vocational Education, Theory and Methods of Teaching). |
Section |
372.881.111.22 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The formation of the media competence in the era of information society is an important part of the training of professionals in any field. This question is relevant to the system of higher linguistic education, in which the primary tool of media competence formation is a media text in a foreign language. Using web media texts from foreign online media in class for foreign language seems to be important against the background of intensive development of the Internet technology. This article attempts to identify the principles of web media text selection for the formation of the media competence of the future bachelors of linguistics. In the study the author reviews the literature on the theory of a media text, shows and describes such characteristic features of modern web media text as multimedia, interactivity and hypertextuality. The author notes the availability of web media texts, justifies their didactic potential
and the need to include foreign language web media texts in the learning process. The author relates requirements
for graduates of linguistics undergraduate programs with substantive components of media competence, and
concludes that it is possible to integrate a development of media competence and general cultural, professional and
general professional competences of the future bachelors of linguistics. The author identifies such principles of web
media texts selection as the principle of authenticity, the principle of expediency, the principle of content availability
for the understanding concerning language and content, the principle of relevance and informativity, the principle of
matching the features of web media text, the principle of matching the ethical and cultural and social norms. In the
study the largest German-language online media were analyzed and the matching the principles highlighted was
demonstrated. In conclusion, the author writes that the content of this online media can be used in foreign language
classes with previous developing of tasks for the pre-text stage, text stage and post-text stage.
Key words |
media competence, media text, web media text, language education, media education |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Principles of Web Media Text Selection for the Formation of the Media Competence of Linguistic Higher School Students |