Article name Macro- and Microelements Contents in Some Types of Wild Mushrooms (Zabaikalsky Krai)
Authors Leskova O.A.Candidate of Biology, Associate Professor
Leskov A.P.Candidate of Biology, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description Leskova O. A., Leskov A. P. Macro- and Microelements Contents in Some Types of Wild Mushrooms (Zabaikalsky Krai) // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Biological sciences. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 1. PP. 26–30.
UDK 574/577
Article type
Annotation The article presents experimental work on quantitative determination of macro and micro elements content in some natural objects on the territory of Shelopuginsky District (Zabaikalsky Krai). The objects of research were some edible mushroom species: Leccinum aurantiacum, Suillus luteus, Russula delica, Agaricus silvaticus, Xerocomus subtomentosus. Ionic content of the elements in the mushrooms was determined using the method of x-ray fluorescent analysis. The research carried out showed that all mushroom species accumulate some nonmetal elements, including the largest quantity of phosphorus. The largest quantity of this elements was found in Agaricus silvaticus. This species had a maximum silicon and chlorine content. There was the largest potassium content among biogenic metal elements. Agaricus silvaticus was characterized by a maximum sodium, calcium, strontium and barium content. Determination of heavy metals showed the maximum iron content in Agaricus silvaticus. The maximum allowable concentration of zinc and copper was exceeding for all the species studied. Nickel had a minimum accumulation. Most of the heavy metals studied was found in Agaricus silvaticus. The minimum content of all the elements studied was determined in fruit bodies of Suillus luteus and Xerocomus subtomentosus. Heavy metal concentration in the mushrooms of Zabaikalsky Krai is higher than in those of other regions of Russia. The research findings can be used for ecological monitoring on the territory of Zabaikalsky Krai, as well as for organizing the students’ scientific research.
Key words mushrooms, biogenic elements, heavy metals, Zabaikalsky Krai
Article information
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Full articleMacro- and Microelements Contents in Some Types of Wild Mushrooms (Zabaikalsky Krai)