Article name Studying the Quantitative Indices of Heavy Metals in Soils and Wild-Growing Plants by an Inversion-Voltamperometric Method
Authors Samoylenko G.Y.Assistant
Bondarevich E.A.Candidate of Biology, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description Samoylenko G. Yu., Bondarevich E. A., Kotsyurzhinskaya N. N. Studying the Quantitative Indices of Heavy Metals in Soils and Wild-Growing Plants by an Inversion – Voltamperometric Method // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Biological sciences. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 1. PP. 31–39.
UDK 504.5: 581.5
Article type
Annotation We have studied the pollution degree of soils and some wild plants by ions of zinc, lead, cadmium and copper in the city of Chita. An inversion – voltamperometric method with three-electrode system with amalgam electrode was used for the research. Absolute values of the mass concentration indicate low and medium level of contamination of soils and plants. Calculation of relative ratios reflecting the ratio between various toxicants in soil and plants by conventional methods revealed a more complicated dependence on the “soil-plant” system. Anthropogenic factors of element concentrations (Kc), accumulation (KH) and total pollution index (Zc) were calculated. The study revealed that contamination of the soil cover by mobile forms of heavy metals does not exceed the maximum permissible concentration on any of the investigated sites. The magnitude Zc for most of the items (№ 1, 3 and 4) is characterized by a high level of contamination by the sum of absolute values. The relative evaluation of plant contamination carried out according to the value of the accumulation factor (KH) and the present value Stellera chamaejasme, Potentilla tanacetifolia and Artemisia gmelinii vigorously accumulated heavy metals during the growing season. At the same time the plant did not show signs of pathological changes. Study of foliar ways of heavy metals showed that zinc was accumulated most intensively in the leaves of Artemisia gmelinii, cadmium – in leaves of Stellera chamaejasme, lead – in leaves of Oxytropis myriophylla. The excess copper revenues were observed. The study of relations between man-made elements concentration and accumulation of factors shows that dust and other aerosol forms of heavy metals are a significant source of plant pollution in the urban environment.
Key words inversion-voltamperometric method, heavy metals, concentration factor of technological elements, ratio of the total indicator of pollution, accumulation rate
Article information
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Full articleStudying the Quantitative Indices of Heavy Metals in Soils and Wild-Growing Plants by an Inversion-Voltamperometric Method