Article |
Article name |
Crocus alatavicus (Iridaceae) in Natural Conditions of Kazakhstan |
Authors |
Sedelnikova L.L.Doctor of Science (Biology), senior research scientist |
Bibliographic description |
Sedel’nikova L. L. Crocus alatavicus (Iridaceae) in Natural Conditions of Kazakhstan // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Biological sciences. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 1. PP. 40–44. |
Section |
635.9:582.572.7(574) |
Article type |
Annotation |
The paper presents the results of a field survey conducted in spring 2014 by the members of the
Central Siberian Botanical Garden of the Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, in the foothills
of Dzhungar Alatau located in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Tuber bulbous ephemeroid Crocus alatavicus
Regal et Semen was studied by the author of the article. On the territory of East Kazakhstan, the
cenopopulations of rare Crocus alatavicus species were described. The age composition of Crocus
alatavicus grown in ten natural populations was considered. It was established that ontogenetic spectrum
of populations is left-hand, centered and right-hand. In the ontogenetic spectrums of cenopopulations
(CP 3, 7, 10) the maximum is in individuals pregenerative state (43,6–69,6 %) was noted. In the
ontogenetic spectrum of cenopopulations (CP 1, 2, 4) more generative individuals (65,7–87,7 %) were
revealed. The studied cenopopulations can be attributed to the young, transition and mature. We
determined that the basic spectrum is full with a predominance of individuals of generative period.
Comparison of basic and characteristic ontogenetic spectra showed a steady condition of Crocus
alatavicus cenopopulations in the period of study. It is established that the actual seed productivity varied in the studied populations. The greatest data of real seed productivity were observed in
cenopopulations 3, 5, 10 which were located in the middle of the foothills. In cenopopulations 7–8 which
were in low-lying part of the slope, seed production is 10–12 times smaller. However, a high proportion
of individuals with low generative seed germination and on the contrary a high proportion of pregenerative
individuals make difficult to forecast the future development of cenopopulations and demands their
study in the dynamics.
Key words |
cenopopulation, ontogenetic spectrum, semen productivity, Crocus alatavicus,Kazakhstan |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Crocus alatavicus (Iridaceae) in Natural Conditions of Kazakhstan |