Article name Taxonomical Structure and Ecological-Geographical Diversity of Summer Phytoplankton of the Torey Lakes2
Authors Tashlykova, , s (), N.A.Candidate of Biology
Bibliographic description Tashlykova N. A. Taxonomical Structure and Ecological-Geographical Diversity of Summer Phytoplankton of the Torey Lakes // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Biological sciences. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 1. PP. 52–59.
UDK 574.583
Article type
Annotation The paper presents the results of investigations of taxonomical and ecological-geographical diversity of phytoplankton of the Torey Lakes. The composition of plankton communities comprises 41 etermined algae species represented by 47 taxa. The analysis of the obtained algal flora saturation data using comparative methods floristry received relatively low rates of generic and specific factors. Divisions Chlorophyta, Bacillariophyta and Cyanobacteria which accounted for over 80 % of the total algae make the largest contribution to the formation of taxonomic diversity. A comparison of the taxonomic composition of the algal flora at different periods of research showed an increase of more than 20 % of the total number of registered forms, species and varieties, changes in the ratio of high rank taxa, increase of diatoms, reducing of green algae and cyanobacteria. The ongoing transformation is due to unstable water regime of the lake during the dry period of the hydrological cycle. Phytogeographic analysis of phytoplankton found that 86 % from all the selected algae taxa are cosmopolitans. With respect to salinity, flow velocity of water and active reaction, indifferent (89 %), alkaliphilic (56 %) forms of algae predominate, they can reside both in lothic and lenthic (40 %) water bodies. Share of indicator species of aquatic saprobity is 81 % of the total number of the identified species. When comparing the numerical and percentage composition of saprobiological groups, we noted the dominance of betamezosaprobiont species.
Key words phytoplankton, algae, indicator species, saprobity, Lake Zun-Torey, Lake Barun-Torey, the Torey Lakes
Article information
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Full articleTaxonomical Structure and Ecological-Geographical Diversity of Summer Phytoplankton of the Torey Lakes2