Article |
Article name |
Structure of the Assimilative Parenchyma in Flower Glumes of Festucoid Grasses (Poaceae) |
Authors |
Zvereva G.K.Doctor of Science (Biology), senior research assistant |
Bibliographic description |
Zvereva G. K. Structure of the Assimilative Parenchyma in Flower Glumes of Festucoid Grasses (Poaceae) // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Biological sciences. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 1. PP. 72–79. |
Section |
582.4/.9–18 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The spatial organization of the assimilative tissue in the flower glumes of festucoid grasses on the example of seven species of wild-growing plants is investigated. At Achnatherum splendens, Dactylis glomerata and Melica nutans the structure of the lemmas was studied, at Hordeum jubatum, Poa angustifolia, P. sibirica and Puccinellia tenuissima the chlorenchyma structure was analyzed in the paleae. The basic form of assimilation cells and their location in space flower glumes are considered. For flower glumes of festucoid grasses differing in the structure of the mesophyll of leaves and ecological features, the structure of the assimilative parenchyma is characteristic as shadow mesomorphous. It is caused by strong development of the cells forming a spongy tissue, consisting mainly of cellular and cellular-spongy forms of the second group. Reducing the number of layers of a photosynthetic tissue in flower glumes compared with the leaf blades leads to sharp decrease in their saturation of the chloroplasts
and is accompanied by the increasing complexity of spatial forms of cells, contributing to an increased
the metabolism of the generative organs of grasses. Expressed features of the shadow chlorenchyma
structure in flower glumes reduce the differences in the organization of assimilation tissue in grasses of
different ecological groups in comparison with their leaf blades.
Key words |
Poaceaе, festucoid grasses, anatomy, lemma, palea, chlorenchyma, cellular cells |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Structure of the Assimilative Parenchyma in Flower Glumes of Festucoid Grasses (Poaceae) |