Article name Zooplankton in Small Floodplain Lakes of the Ilya River Basin
Authors Afonin A. .Leading Engineer Institute of Natural Resources
Itigilova M.T.
Bibliographic description Afonina E. Yu., Itigilova M. Ts. Zooplankton in Small Floodplain Lakes of the Ilya River Basin // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Biological sciences. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 1. PP. 121–128.
UDK 574.583
Article type
Annotation We present the results of zooplankton research in three shallow lakes located in the territory of national park “Alkhanay”, in valleys of the Dybyksa, Nizhnyaya Tangaya and Slavyanka rivers. These streams have mountain flow and are tributaries of the Ilya river. The lakes studied are freshwater (mineralization ranged from 0.3 to 0.7 mg/l) and pH ranged from 6.5 to 8.5. Standard hydrobiological methods were used in the collection and processing of zooplankton samples. Species diversity of small floodplain lakes was composed of 54 taxa, belonging to 36 genera, 22 families, 8 orders. 36 taxa were noted among Rotifera, Cladocera – 13 species, Copepoda – 5. Common species for all lakes were: Testudinella patina, Lecane luna, Mytilina ventralis, Euchlanis dilatata, Brachionus quadridentatus quadridentatus, Polyartra remata, Ploesoma truncatum, Scapholeberis mucronata, Chydorus sphaericus, Pleuroxus truncatus. Widespread species formed the basis of zooplankton species composition. According to biotopical characteristics, the littoral and phytophilous species dominated. The values of abundance and biomass of zooplankton ranged from 40.65 103 ind./m3 and 95.44 mg/m3 to 352.15 103 ind./m3 and 563.53 mg/m3. The zoocenoses of copepods inhabited in the small lakes during sampling data, the Cyclops juvenile stages prevailed. Presented indicators of zooplankton structure and diversity corresponded to meso-eutrophic type of lakes. The water in the lakes for the indicator species of zooplankton was characterized as pure (II water purity class).
Key words zooplankton, species composition, number, biomass, floodplain lakes, the Ilya river basin
Article information
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