Article name Fish Invasion in the Upper Amur Basin
Authors Gorlachev V.P.Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor
Gorlachyova Y.P.Candidate of Science (Biology), senior research assistant
Bibliographic description Gorlachev V. P., Gorlacheva Ye. P. Fish Invasion in the Upper Amur Basin // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Biological sciences. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 1. PP. 129–141.
UDK 576.8:639.3.09
Article type
Annotation Fish invasion is fish penetration to the eco-systems located outside the territory of its original (usually natural) distribution. Such invasion can result in a deep cenosis restructuring and pose a threat to the stability of the ecosystem. 11 species out of 48 fish species registered in the waters of the Upper Amur basin are invasive. Pelyad, omul, white and bighead carp, grass carp and perch expanded its range in the territory of Transbaikalia due to human conscious intervention. Amur three lips, Manchurian and Chanka gudgeons, lazy gudgeon, Amur sleeper expanded their area by themselves or by human unscheduled impacts on the process. Estimation of the main directions of fish invasion is given in the article. Indicators of their linear and weight growth, feeding, food relationships are also analyzed and the effects of fish invasion for the Upper Amur basin water bodies are described. It was revealed that fish invasion flow goes in two directions: from the west to the east and from the east to the west. The first direction was carried out, generally with human interference; the second one took place spontaneously, unintentionally. Fish invasion described has both positive and negative result. Deliberate invasion is usually positive, but it requires continuous support. Unintentional invasion may have far-reaching negative consequences, as it is illustrated by the example of the Amur sleeper wide invasion.
Key words invasion, range, ecosystems, introduction, Zabaikalsky krai, Upper Amur Basin, pelyad,omul, white amur, white and bighead carp, grass carp, Amur three lips, Manchurian and Chankagudgeons, lazy gudgeon, Amur sleeper
Article information
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