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Article name | Peculiarities of the Syndrome of Emotional Professional Burnout of Teachers |
Authors | Chernykh A.A.Postgraduate Student Sanzhaeva R.D.Doctor of Psychology, Professor |
Bibliographic description | Chernykh A. A., Sanzhaeva R. D. Peculiarities of the Syndrome of Emotional Professional Burnout of Teachers // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Pedagogical Sciences. 2017. Vol. 12, № 2. PP. 75–79. DOI: 10.21209/2542-0089-2017-12-2-75-79. |
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DOI | 10.21209/2542-0089-2017-12-2-75-79 |
UDK | 159.99 |
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Annotation | This article examines some peculiarities as well as some causes, consequences and ways to overcome the syndrome of emotional professional burnout (EPB) of teachers. The authors tried to reveal the essence of the problem of teachers’ burnout connecting it with personal or situational factors, as well as with character of his interpersonal relations in the professional community and with the general situation which has developed in team and organization in general; we also identify the best practices in this area considering these studies. The possible solutions of this problem, some symptoms, causes and consequences of the syndrome were shown on the example of Buryat Timber College. 53 college teachers have been studied for the presence of such a syndrome: 3 of them have obvious EPB syndrome after-effects, 13 of them have high rates, 20 of them have medium rates, and 27 have no signs of EPB. College psychologist has carried out preventive work with the teaching staff, which included a number of training courses aimed at the prevention and correction of EPB, which included a number of trainings on informing, training of a relaxation, self-control, increase in a self-evaluation, exercise on unity of team and personal growth. The authors note that the training had positive results, according to the teachers and consider it appropriate to use this type of prevention in the teaching staff of each educational institution. |
Key words | syndrome of emotional professional burnout of teachers, training, prevention, correction, professional stress, teachers, research |
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Full article | Peculiarities of the Syndrome of Emotional Professional Burnout of Teachers |