Article |
Article name |
Secondary Employment of Student Youth in the Zabailkalsky Region |
Authors |
Lavrikova V. .Candidate of Sociology victoriy.lavric@mail.ruMikhaylovskaya S. .Senior Lecturer |
Bibliographic description |
Lavrikova V. N., Mikhaylovskaya S. A. Secondary Employment of Student Youth in the Zabailkalsky Region // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Social Sciences Series. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 3. PP. 122–128. DOI: 10.21209/2500-171X-2017-12-3-122-128. |
Section |
10.21209/2500-171X-2017-12-3-122-128 |
316.3 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The article gives a definition of “student youth secondary employment” and presents the results of a sociological study of secondary employment of this category of youth. The authors study the students’ willingness to work, their difficulties in finding jobs, activity spheres, where they find jobs, main motives for employment, employment channels and success in combining study and work. The methodological basis of the research is the provision that the student body is a specific social group that has an “intermediate” status and is at the stage of vital self-determination. The study shows that secondary employment of student youth is a widely spread phenomenon. There are very few students who do not want to work. Most students work in the sphere of trade. The motives for employment, both for working and non-working students, are similar: first of all, they want to have their personal money. The student employment is influenced by relatives and adult acquaintances, parents, friends and peers, advertisements in mass media. According to the students, the sphere of employment and the specialty received at the university must coincide. It can be provided by the industrial practice, as well as the activities of university structures that help with student employment.
Key words |
student youth, secondary employment, labor market, motivation, employment channels |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Secondary Employment of Student Youth in the Zabailkalsky Region |