Article name One Problem of the Approximation of Process Data Set by Methods of Fuzzy Logic
Authors Tolpaev V.A.Doctor of Physics and Ma-thematics, Professor
Kravtsov A.M.Candidate of Physics and Mathematics
Petrosyants M.T.Junior Research, Postgraduate Student,
Bondarenko M.A.Junior Researcher, Postgraduate Student
Bibliographic description Tolpayev V. A., Kravtsov A. M., Petrosyants M. T., Bondarenko M. A One Problem of the Approximation of Process Data Set by Methods of Fuzzy Logic // Scholarly Notes Of TTansbaikal State University. Series Physics, Mathematics, Engineering, Technology. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 4. PP. 15-23. DOI: 10.21209/2308-8761-2017-12-4-15-23.
DOI 10.21209/2308-8761-2017-12-4-15-23
UDK 519.65
Article type
Annotation We study the problem of approximation of tabular data with the same large size lines. We suggest a formulation of the problem in terms of fuzzy sets and approximate way of describing the a - slices of fuzzy sets of special polynomial functions - Bernstein polynomial for the case of several variables. An approximate algorithm for solving the problem allowing the decomposition of the original problem is an example of his work. We give estimates for the number of characteristics of the approximate function data table. The study provides empirical assessments of the time complexity of the algorithm for a number of practical applications of the algorithm.
Key words tab functions, detect dependencies in the data, the simplex method, decomposition approximation problem
Article information
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Full articleOne Problem of the Approximation of Process Data Set by Methods of Fuzzy Logic