Article |
Article name |
Geocryological Problems and Their Solutions in the Development of Placer Deposits |
Authors |
Panina, () T.Y.Assistant panirais@mail.ruKostromin M. .Doctor of Engineering Science, Professor |
Bibliographic description |
Kostromin M. V., Panina T. Yu. Geocryological Problems and Their Solutions in the Development of Placer Deposits // Scholarly Notes Of Transbaikal State University. Series Physics, Mathematics, Engineering, Technology. 2017. Vol. 12, No 4. No. 4. PP. 59-72. DOI: 10.21209/2308-8761-2017-12-4-59- 72. |
Section |
10.21209/2308-8761-2017-12-4-59-72 |
622.271.1:621.879.443 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The work of dredges in the development of placer deposits depends on the presence of longterm deep permafrost. Therefore, thawing and preventing the rocks from freezing are important. The paper gives a critical analysis of the main current methods of thawing of frozen and preventing the freezing of thawed rocks of placer deposits. Their advantages and disadvantages are revealed. It has been established that the most effective way to protect dredging polygons from deep seasonal freezing is flooding with water provided that the required water level remains for a certain period of time (for the Transbaikalian conditions, the minimum period is 150 days). To significantly reduce the loss of filtration through the body and foundation of the dam, it is necessary to build anti-filtration screens of polymer films or chemical reagents - technical sodium carboxymethylcellulose (Na-CMC). As a result of the conducted studies (laboratory, volumetric-physical modeling, mathematical modeling, mathematical analysis, semi-industrial tests), a technology was developed for the protection of dredging polygons from seasonal freezing by flooding using chemical reagents and polymer films. Technological schemes for the protection of rocks from freezing by flooding with the use of chemical colmatage and shielding of dams by polymer films have been developed. As a result of the conducted studies, the necessary tooth and sink sizes for the specific conditions of the deposits, as well as the reagent consumption rates, have been established, which vary within the range of 0.5 — 3.0kg/m2 depending on the granulometric composition of the rocks. Thus, by carrying out comparatively cheap and low-labor-intensive measures, it is possible to solve the problem of protecting the rocks of dredging polygons from freezing by flooding. Thus, provided that other works are successfully carried out (repair of the dredge, etc.), early start-up of the dredge, high-performance work during the washing season, late stop at a pre-planned and prepared place can be done. Due to this, we can achieve a significant increase in seasonal productivity and a decrease in the unit cost of mining 1m3 of rock mass or a unit of metal.
Key words |
permafrost, seasonal permafrost, placer, sands, defrost, frost protection, filtration, anti-filtration screens, films, chemical reagents, tooth, draining
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Geocryological Problems and Their Solutions in the Development of Placer Deposits |