Article name Prevention of Alexithymia by Means of Children’s Emotional Intelligence Maturity
Authors Glazkova Y.V.Candidate of Psychology,
Bibliographic description Glazkova Yu. V. Prevention of Alexithymia by Means of Children’s Emotional Intelligence Maturity // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Pedagogical Sciences. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 5. PP. 128–133. DOI: 10.21209/2542-0089-2017-12-5-128-133.
DOI 10.21209/2542-0089-2017-12-5-128-133
UDK 159.942
Article type
Annotation A problem of emotional intelligence (EQ) and alexithymia is actualized, theoretical analysis of these two notions in scientific literature is realized in the article. The author reveals the given notions, in the context of which their essential base is the idea that for a child who learns how to recognize his emotions, it is essential to have a parent who should actively listen (no matter whether this emotion is positive or negative) and confirm a child why his emotion is well-founded, agree or disagree with the fact that its reasons are normal and then help his child to identify his emotion, shades of feelings. The latter, i.e. saying is the preventive treatment of alexithymia. Emotional intelligence is a skill which is should be developed from the early childhood. The author gives proof of connection of two phenomena. The parents should have a high level of emotional intelligence (EQ) for children’s emotional training. The purpose of this article is to show the possibilities of alexithymia preventive treatment from the early age, since the time of identification of both one’s own emotional conditions and other people’s emotions. Well-developed children’s speech abilities play an important role.
Key words emotional intelligence, alexithymia, emotional training of children
Article information
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Full articlePrevention of Alexithymia by Means of Children’s Emotional Intelligence Maturity