Article |
Article name |
On the Content of the Educational Program in Family Education for Additional Professional Pedagogical Education |
Authors |
Vandanova E.L. Candidate of Psychology, Associate Professor |
Bibliographic description |
Vandanova E. L. On the Content of the Educational Program in Family Education for Additional Professional Pedagogical Education // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Professional Education, Theory and Metho- dology of Teaching. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 6. PP. 13–20. |
Section |
378 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The article presents the theoretical and methodological basis for the development of the program in family education for additional professional education, including the provisions of the cultural and historical concepts and the system-activity approach of the activity theory of the assimilation of social experience in family education, developed in domestic psychology and sociology. In terms of methodology, the development is based on the phenomenon of the “social situation of development”. The principle of social construction is considered as an initial principle for creating a program in family education for additional professional pedagogical education. It is determined that the content of such a program should reflect the socio-cultural context of family education and include the following aspects of the problem field of the study of family upbringing: the study of family education as the implementation of the life strategy of the family; scientific and methodological approaches to the study of contemporary socio-cultural situation (conditions and mechanisms of adaptation) for the implementation of family education; prevention of deviations and marginality in family education; implementation of the principles of social construction in family education. These materials may be applicable in educational organizations of additional professional education. Based on them training seminars on the organization of psychological-pedagogical work with the families with primary school children and adolescents, including those belonging to the risk group can be prepared for the employees of educational establishments (administrative staff, teachers, psychologists, social pedagogs).
Key words |
family education, professional teacher education, socio-cultural situation, social situation of development, deviant behavior, social risks, socio-cultural transit, social construction, marginality |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | On the Content of the Educational Program in Family Education for Additional Professional Pedagogical Education |