Article name Educational Space as a Phenomenon of Culture and the “Place” of Personality Formation
Authors Mikheeva T.B.Candidate of Pedagogy, associate professor
Bibliographic description Mikheeva T. B. Educational Space as a Phenomenon of Culture and the “Place” of Personality Formation // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Professional Education, Theory and Methodology of Teaching. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 6. PP. 29–36. DOI: 10.21209/2308-8796-2017-12-6-29-36.
DOI 10.21209/2308-8796-2017-12-6-29-36
UDK 37.013.78; 37.062.2
Article type
Annotation Frequent use of the word “space” in the speech is associated with the actualization of this concept in the life of society, as well as with a new paradigm of understanding knowledge about the world. The article presents an overview of scientific studies of the educational space, its culturological aspect, since the educational space could not be considered a non-culture space. The introduction of the term “educational space” into the scientific circulation is associated with the rejection of the earlier adopted ideas about the educational process as a path, a trajectory or a channel which the student should follow normatively and effectively. The educational space is a developing integrity; its structural elements are used by all participants in the educational process for the development and transmission of humanistic values. Humanization of the educational space contributes to ensuring comfortable existence and development of children and adults. In the modern educational space there are new targets of the educational process for the individual’s self-realization and self-development. The basic method employed in the article is the analysis of the content characteristics of the educational space and environments, as well as the structural components of the pedagogical culture of the teacher with the use of active, cultural and spatial approaches. The educational space is an object of analysis both in pedagogy and in the border areas of interaction between pedagogy and philosophy, pedagogy and cultural studies, sociology and philosophy. The pedagogical culture of the teacher is considered in the context of his/her activity in the polycultural educational space of school and university. Pedagogical culture in the process of pedagogical activity is realized as a dynamic system of pedagogical values, creative ways of teaching activity and personal achievements in the creation of pedagogical practices. The article especially actualizes the awareness of culture in pedagogical research and in the educational process. Culture, viewed from the point of view of pedagogical science, is associated with the characteristics of the individual, whose development is the basis of modern pedagogy.
Key words educational space, educational polycultural environment, pedagogical culture, teacher’s culture, spatial approach, multidimensionality
Article information
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Full articleEducational Space as a Phenomenon of Culture and the “Place” of Personality Formation