Article |
Article name |
Training Future Teachers to Ensure Children’s Safety on the Road and in Transport |
Authors |
Romanova L.S.Candidate of Engineering Science, Associate Professor |
Bibliographic description |
Romanova L.S. Training Future Teachers to Ensure Children’s Safety on the Road and in Transport // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Professional Education, Theory and Methodology of Teaching. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 6. PP. 43–53. |
Section |
37 |
Article type |
Annotation |
Training children and adolescents for safe participation in road traffic is an important direction of activity of preschool, primary and general (secondary) educational institutions in order to prevent road accidents. In the prevention of road accidents with children an important role is played by the level of theoretical and methodological training of teachers who organize teaching children and teenagers the rules of safe behavior on the road and in transport. A key role in the system of general education in preparing students for safe behavior on the road belongs to the teacher of the fundamentals of life safety. The article discusses the training of future teachers of life safety fundamentals to ensure children’s safety on the road and in transport, taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards for basic general and higher pedagogical education (FSES BGE and FSES HE). The article presents the levels of competencies formation for bachelors of pedagogical education in the academic discipline “Safety on the road and in public transport” and students’ subject results in the field of road safety. The author considers the content of practical work in his handbook “Road and Public Transport Safety” and highlights the interrelation of results between training future teachers and subject results of students.
Key words |
road and public transport safety, education standard, educational and methodological support, students’ subject results, bachelors’ learning outcomes, teacher’s professional tasks |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Training Future Teachers to Ensure Children’s Safety on the Road and in Transport |