Article name Formulating Semantic Hypotheses while Developing Students’ Skills of Perceiving and Interpreting a Literary Text
Authors Bogdanova E.S.Candidate of Pedagogy,
Bibliographic description Bogdanova E. S. Formulating Semantic Hypotheses while Developing Students’ Skills of Perceiving and Interpreting a Literary Text// Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Professional Education, Theory and Methodology of Teaching. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 6. PP. 134–140.
UDK 372.881.161.1
Article type
Annotation The article analyses a person’s ability to anticipate the narration, advance semantic hypotheses about it and considers the possibility to use this technique while developing senior school students’ skills of perceiving and interpreting a literary text. The author proves that semantic hypotheses facilitate the perception and interpretation of the text, hence its understanding. By means of the empiric study the conclusion is made that senior school children rarely use this technique or put forward semantic hypotheses that do not correspond to the content of the text; however, when they discern the discrepancy of meanings, they do not abandon the false forecast, they do not seek the causes of the error. The reason for it lies in the fact that school students cannot reflect on the actions and results while making hypotheses. The author is sure that teaching students to advance semantic hypotheses optimizes the formation of the skills of textual activity. The skill formation will be more effective if the students are taught to analyze the text and find the signs for proposing and testing the hypothesis about the course of events in the text. The article provides methodological solutions for these problems. The tasks designed by the author can help students to realize the means and signals of the text that enable them to formulate and test the hypothesis.
Key words teaching text perception and text interpretation, textual activity, senior school students, formulating semantic hypotheses, prediction and anticipation in speech activity, literary text
Article information
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Full articleFormulating Semantic Hypotheses while Developing Students’ Skills of Perceiving and Interpreting a Literary Text