Article name Problems of Implementing the School Standard: Training Physics Teachers to Achieve Educational Outcomes
Authors Djakova E.A.Doctor of Pedagogy, professor
Bibliographic description Dyakova E. A. Problems of Implementing the School Standard: Training Physics Teachers to Achieve Educational Outcomes // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Professional Education, Theory and Methodology of Teaching. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 6. PP. 141–146.
UDK 371.12.011.3:53
Article type
Annotation The implementation of the school standard confronted the teachers with many problems. The most important of these problems is how to organize the activities of the students to achieve the desired outcomes. This problem, in its turn, has become the catalyst for identifying a set of interrelated accompanying problems – from teacher training to developing a new type of teaching resources. The article briefly analyses this set of problems and some possible solutions, in particular, the lack of sufficient methodological support for the process of diagnosing three types of educational outcomes. The article is mostly focused on the preparation of future physics teachers for the implementation of educational outcomes diagnostics. The main idea is that technologically the process of educational results diagnostics (subject, metasubject and personal results) is inextricably linked with their formation. The article proposes a model of training physics teachers for the formation and diagnosis of educational outcomes, including the foundation course “Theory and Methods of Teaching Physics”, and elective courses “Modern Technologies of Teaching Physics” and “Assessment of the Quality of Teaching Physics”, as well as the model of the process of formulating tasks of a new type based on the ideas of the unity “formation-diagnostics”. The article considers all aspects from the point of view of teaching physics and training a physics teacher, including examples of tasks of a new type.
Key words standard, formation and diagnostics of educational outcomes, teacher training, teaching physics
Article information
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Full articleProblems of Implementing the School Standard: Training Physics Teachers to Achieve Educational Outcomes