Article name Realisation of a Regional Component on the Example of Studying the Course “Transbaikal Region Green World” in a Secondary School
Authors Yakushevskaya E.B.Candidate of Biology, Associate Professor
Pushkareva M.S.Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor
Popova O.A.Doctor of Science (Biology), professor of the department biology and methods of teaching biology
Bibliographic description Yakushevskaya E. V., Pushkareva M. S., Popova O. A. Realisation of a Regional Component on the Example of Studying the Course “Transbaikal Region Green World” in a Secondary School // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Professional Education, Theory and Methodology of Teaching. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 6. PP. 154–160.
UDK 378
Article type
Annotation One of the most urgent tasks in the Russian Federation is the modernization of its education system. This process lies primarily in the search for effective approaches to ensure an optimal balance between the federal, regional and local components of the general education system. In the Federal State Educational Standard for Basic General Education there are separate paragraphs dealing with the regional aspects of education. In schools of different profiles and directions modern curricula includes a considerable regional component of education. The task of developing the regional content component is connected with the regional approach to teaching biology that allows students to establish connections between the known facts about the environment and the material studied, as well as to deepen biological knowledge. In this regard, the implementation of the regional component in educational institutions is among the urgent problems of education. The problem of the study is to find methodological features of the implementation of the regional component in the content of school biology course. The authors present the draft course “Transbaikal Region Green World” for six-graders in the secondary school.
Key words Federal State Educational Standard for Basic General Education, regional component, local history material, Transbaikal Region Green World
Article information
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