Article |
Article name |
Problems of Implementing the Bologna Process in the Context of the Russian System of Higher Education |
Authors |
Koriakin K.V.Candidate of History IPPSRNature@mail.ruMakarenkova E.M.Candidate of Pedagogy , Associate Professor |
Bibliographic description |
Koriakin K. V., Makarenkova E. M.Problems of Implementing the Bologna Process in the Context of the Russian System of Higher Education // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Professional Education, Theory and Methodology of Teaching. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 6. PP. 167–173. DOI: 10.21209/2308-8796-2017-12-6-167-173. |
Section |
10.21209/2308-8796-2017-12-6-167-173 |
378.14 |
Article type |
Annotation |
At present, Russia is on the way to implementing the ideas of the Bologna Declaration in the sphere of higher education. Some important steps have been made in this direction, but the pace of the reform has not received adequate coverage from the scientific community. The article analyses the problematic aspects of Bologna process on the basis of published research papers of Russian and foreign scholars as well as on the authors’ observations. The authors pay special attention to the most disputing issues of the reform and trace their manifestations in the specific higher education framework of Russia. The paper shows how the Bologna Process reinterpreted the education paradigm of classical universities, structured academic programs and challenged the traditional organization of higher education. The authors explain ill-preparedness of Russian higher education framework and society for the reform perception and the distortion of the sense of the Bologna Declaration in Russia. The article concludes about the insufficient state of knowledge about the practical implementation of the reform at the local level and opens some prospects for further research. The authors stress the importance of the investigation of changes at the level of particular academic programs, education institutions and graduates’ cohorts.
Key words |
higher education, reform, Bologna process, Russia, problem, system, program |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Problems of Implementing the Bologna Process in the Context of the Russian System of Higher Education |