Article name Linguistic and Cultural Study of the Воин (Warrior) Concept in the Military Technical Institute Audience
Authors Bodrikov A.B.Lecturer
Bibliographic description Bodrikov A. B. Linguistic and Cultural Study of the Воин (Warrior) Concept in the Military Technical Institute Audience // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Pedagogical Sciences. 2018. Vol. 13, No. 2. PP. 57–64.
UDK 378.147:53
Article type
Annotation The article considers the perception of a warrior as a standard of professional orientation within the framework of a psycholinguistic experiment conducted in a military technical institute in St. Petersburg. The stereotypical properties of the warrior in Russian linguoculture are determined on the basis of the material from the modern Russian language dictionaries. The perception of cadets – professionally oriented native speakers – is described on the material of personal data in the aspect of the experiment. As the results of the study show, the most frequent signs of a warrior are ‘mind’, ‘strength’, ‘courage’, ‘patriotism’, ‘responsibility’, ‘honesty’, ‘discipline’ , ‘purposefulness’, ‘kindness’, ‘steadfastness’, ‘justice’, ‘physical development’, ‘cunning’, ‘wisdom’, ‘honor’, ‘determination’, ‘selflessness’, ‘good breeding’, ‘patience’ ‘hard work’. The 10 classes of cognitive features were singled out on the basis of the received reactions: 1. Moral qualities; 2. Social qualities; 3. Military professional qualities; 4. Physical qualities; 5. Qualities of character; 6. Mental qualities; 7. Religious qualities; 8. Emotional qualities. 9. Aesthetic qualities; 10. Estimated characteristics. The reactions were identified that showed the ambiguity of these classes in the aspect of the experiment. The most frequent were the signs of military professional qualities, as well as special qualities of character, its mental and physical attributes, moral qualities that distinguish cadets, as adequately perceiving the national scale of values. These classes of signs make up the dominant of the self-reflection of the military technical institute cadets. Emotional, aesthetic, religious and estimated signs take a smaller amount among the received reactions.
Key words militaristic concept, psycholinguistic experiment, linguoculturology, linguistic picture of the world, theory and methodology of professional education
Article information
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Full articleLinguistic and Cultural Study of the Воин (Warrior) Concept in the Military Technical Institute Audience