Article |
Article name |
The Imageсreativity of the Future Teacher as the Basis of Pedagogical Professionalism |
Authors |
Serezhnikova R.K.Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor seryozhnikova@mail.ruVasilyev L.G. Doctor of Philology, Professor argumentation@mail.ruMakarova V.A.Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor kaf34@tksu.ruKhachikyan E.I.Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor |
Bibliographic description |
Serezhnikova R. K., Vasilyev L. G., Makarova V. A., Khachikyan E. I. The Imageсreativity of the Future Teacher as the Basis of Pedagogical Professionalism // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Pedagogical Sciences. 2018. Vol. 13, No. 2. PP. 85–92. DOI: 10.21209/2542-0089-2018-13-2-85-92. |
Section |
10.21209/2542-0089-2018-13-2-85-92 |
378.0 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The relevance of the article is due to the fact that the change of the educational paradigm, the modernization of the pedagogical education make special demands on the personality of the future teacher (teacher, teacher of pre-school education) and the level of manifestation of his pedagogical professionalism. On the basis of the essential characteristics of productive pedagogical activity in the aspect of mastery, the definition of the concept of pedagogical professionalism as a culture of pedagogical activity – the process and result of the realization of the productive practical and psychological (external and internal) activity of the teacher manifested in his activity as an entertainer is singled out. This introduces significant changes in the content of the preparation of the future teacher, which involves enriching the content of teacher education. Theoretical analysis made it possible to reveal that many image characteristics are structured, on the one hand, according to individual and personal criteria and professional ones, on the other: the components of the teacher’s image are subject to dynamics in the students’ imagination at different stages of training: the teacher’s assessment and evaluation of the teacher’s image characteristics significantly differentiate. Therefore, special importance is given to the specificity of the future teacher’s imageсreativity activity in the process of professional training at the university. The article substantiates the necessity of applying elements of creative work with the aim of improving the educational and professional activity of the future teacher. The imageсreativity of the student-bachelor of the direction of preparation is presented in the process of improving the visual appeal, pedagogical artistry, including situational tasks (cases), the content of which contributed to the expansion of pedagogical erudition, the development of creative thinking and the pedagogical abilities of the future teacher.
Key words |
pedagogical professionalism, personal-professional image, imageсreativity activity, visual appeal, pedagogical artistry, future teacher |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | The Imageсreativity of the Future Teacher as the Basis of Pedagogical Professionalism |