Article |
Article name |
Formation of Cadets Linguocultural Competence in Military Institutes on the Basis of the Воин (Warrior) Concept |
Authors |
Pimenova M.V.Doctor of Philology, corresponding member, professor, pimenovaMV@rambler.ruBodrikov A.B.Lecturer |
Bibliographic description |
Pimenova M. V., Bodrikov A. B. Formation of Cadets Linguocultural Competence in Military Institutes on the Basis of the Воин (Warrior) Concept // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Pedagogical Sciences. 2018. Vol. 13, No. 2. PP. 117–123. DOI: 10.21209/2542-0089-2018-13-2-117-123. |
Section |
10.21209/2542-0089-2018-13-2-117-123 |
378.147:53 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The article deals with the peculiarities of the linguocultural competence formation in the military technical institute cadets. The material for research is the concept воин (warrior) – professionally oriented concept for cadets. The materials for the analysis were the explanatory dictionaries of the modern Russian language. The basis for comparing the formation of linguocultural competence was the results of a psycholinguistic experiment conducted among military technical institute cadets of different courses and different specialties. The main methods of research were the method of conceptual analysis and the statistical method. As the results of the research showed, not all of the features indicated in the explanatory dictionaries of the Russian language are relevant for professionally oriented native speakers. For example, the sign ‘liberator’, extremely relevant for two generations after the Great Patriotic War, now almost never met in the answers of cadets. The emphasis was shifted to actualization of other signs that were implied in the structure of the concept воин (warrior). These are the signs, such as: “he who take part in war”, “fighter”, “military specialist (professional)”, “hero”, “brave”, “defender”, “winner”, “who help (weak and defenseless)”, “squire”, “courageous/valiant (man)”, “role model”, “responsible (person)”, “purposeful (person)”, “giving debt to the country”‘. All the indicated signs in the explanatory dictionaries of the modern Russian language are absent. The most relevant cognitive signs are ‘a human being (husband /
man)’, ‘defender’, ‘warrior’, ‘(military) servant’. Extremely important are the signs of a warrior’s character: ‘courage’, ‘courage’, ‘valor’, ‘courage’, ‘loyalty’.
Key words |
pedagogy, methodology, linguoculturology, concept, formation of competence |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Formation of Cadets Linguocultural Competence in Military Institutes on the Basis of the Воин (Warrior) Concept |