Article name Educational and Professional Tasks as a Means of Assessing Educational Results of Future Teachers of Pre-School Education
Authors Lysikova T.S. Senior Lecturer
Bibliographic description Lysikova T. S. Educational and Professional Tasks as a Means of Assessing Educational Results of Future Teachers of Pre-School Education // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Pedagogical Sciences. 2018. Vol. 13, No. 3. PP. 91–100. DOI: 10.21209/2542-0089-2018-13-3-91-100.
UDK 378.146
Article type
Annotation Federal state educational standards of higher education guide the educational process in the University for assessment of educational outcomes expressed in terms of competences, which are manifested in the ability of the future teacher of preschool education to solve constantly emerging innovative professional tasks. This understanding of competence as an educational result updates problems associated with finding productive assessment tools, one of which can serve educational and professional tasks. As a methodological framework of study, we selected a task approach, in which the educational task is the main component of the educational process. The article is an attempt to interpret the definition of “educational and professional task”, justify control and evaluation function of educational and professional tasks. The classification of educational and professional tasks in accordance with the levels of professional competence by U. V. Sorokopud and O. A. Kozyreva’s model of productive training. The author introduces the methodological requirements for the organization of work with educational and professional tasks when studying the discipline “Workshop on development of mathematical representations of preschool children” at various stages of education. In conclusion, we justify practical applications of educational and professional tasks as a means of assessing educational results of future teachers of pre-school education.
Key words assessment of educational outcomes, pre-school education, task, professional tasks, competence, educational and professional tasks
Article information
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Full articleEducational and Professional Tasks as a Means of Assessing Educational Results of Future Teachers of Pre-School Education