Article |
Article name |
Realization of Pedagogical Ideas of I. N. Zhukov in Modern Children and Youth Public Movement |
Authors |
Igumnova E.A.Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor igumnova1@mail.ruVoronova V.V.Master Student |
Bibliographic description |
Igumnova E. A., Voronova V. V. Realization of Pedagogical Ideas I. N. Zhukova in Modern Children and Youth Public Movement // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Pedagogical Sciences. 2018. Vol. 13, No. 5. PP. 42–52. DOI: 10.21209/2542-0089-2018-13-5-42-52. |
Section |
10.21209/2542-0089-2018-13-5-42-52 |
371.3 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The article presents a comparative analysis of the pedagogical ideas of I. N. Zhukov (05.10.1875 – 05.11.1948) on the development of children’s and youth movement at the beginning of the XX century and the possibility of their implementation in the modern socio-cultural conditions. The leading ideas of Zhukov, relevant for the modern children’s and youth movement are, firstly, the idea of the need to prioritize the organization of educational activities with children and youth and its state support; secondly, the idea of creating a permanent method of education in the form of a long educational game as a pedagogical system based on humanistic ideals (taking care of people, animals, and the environment); thirdly, the idea of the continuity of generations in the process of educating and disseminating the experience of teachers, educators and nurturing young teachers of scoutmasters. A variant of the “permanent methodology of education” scientifically substantiated and creatively implemented by I. N. Zhukov, following the world experience of the Scout children’s and youth movement, is the organization of a long educational role-playing game as a children’s social movement and a pedagogical system that:
– includes various activities (family, patriotic, inter-ethnic, interfaith, volunteer, sanitary and hygienic, physical, labor (vocational guidance);
– is based on the principles of age, system, voluntariness and accessibility, initiative, self-education, clarity, grandeur, seriousness, continuity of generations, state support (combining the interests and needs of children and the needs of the state);
– implemented through methods: collective (group) competition, promotion, taking into account the educational and educational nature of prizes, moral education and the installation of certain good habits, emotional education (symbolism), learning through the work (training of labor skills).
Key words |
pedagogical heritage of I. N. Zhukov, children’s and youth social movement, scouting, long role-playing game, pioneer organization |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Realization of Pedagogical Ideas of I. N. Zhukov in Modern Children and Youth Public Movement |