Article name Patriotic Upbringing of Students in the Modern World
Authors Nefedova A.S.Candidate of Pedagogy
Bibliographic description Nefedova A. S. Patriotic Upbringing of Students in the Modern World // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Pedagogical Sciences. 2018. Vol. 13, No. 5. PP. 71–76. DOI: 10.21209/2542-0089-2018-13-5-71-76.
DOI 10.21209/2542-0089-2018-13-5-71-76
UDK 378
Article type
Annotation Patriotic upbringing of youth is one of the key positions of the development strategy of Russia in general and youth policy in particular. This is evident in the regulations. The analysis of educational materials shows that the problem of patriotic upbringing has been constantly focused on both theoretically and practically. Patriotic upbringing of university students is an important component of modern education. It is higher school that promotes formation of person’s citizenship based on spiritual and moral values. The fate of the state in many respects depends on youth views: preservation of culture, history, national and spiritual unity. However, decrease in upbringing potential of higher school has led to the fact that spiritual and moral values, ideals of the younger generation have changed, a considerable number of students have degraded patriotic consciousness, the weakening of personal motivation to formation of the patriotic qualities necessary for the country patriot. An issue of particular concern is the fact that youth actions reflect such negative facts as a lie, conformism, indifference in relation to immoral acts, manifestation of immorality and cynicism. At the same time, higher educational institutions have all opportunities for patriotic upbringing of students both during the course of training and extracurricular activities. This may provide new insights into formation of the concepts of “patriotism” and “patriotic upbringing” which will be the fundamentals of the ideology of tolerance, culture of the inter-ethnic relations, respect for seniors, love for the native land and the country, readiness to be personally responsible for the fate of the country.
Key words patriotism, patriotic upbringing, patriot, values, methodological approaches, upbringing process
Article information
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