Article |
Article name |
Image of Parenthood in the National Tradition of Family Upbringing |
Authors |
Levdanskaya Y.Y.Candidate of Pedagogy art-koltsova@yandex.ruPopova N.N.Candidate of Pedagogy |
Bibliographic description |
Levdanskaya Yu. Yu., Popova N. N. Image of Parenthood in the National Tradition of Family Upbringing // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Pedagogical Sciences. 2018. Vol. 13, No. 5. PP. 89–97.DOI: 10.21209/2542-0089-2018-13-5-89-97. |
Section |
10.21209/2542-0089-2018-13-5-89-97 |
37.013.43 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The parenthood discourse, based on the ideas of synergetics, holism and the openness of the scientific knowledge system principle from the position of complementarity, is examined in the context of post-non-classical science. The tendency of research of parenting patterns with regard to changes in culture type is shown. The authors argue the need for understanding parenting in terms of “family”, “personal pattern”, “socio-anthropological integrity” basing them on the identification of the cultural universals of these concepts in our culture and history of philosophical and pedagogical thought that actualize axiological problems based on the idea of the traditional family values revival and spiritual traditions of their understanding. Parenthood is considered as a component of the changing society systemic process and the self-realization of people in the “society-family-parenthood-human” integrity, what corresponds to the ideas of modern ontology of sociality, social reality, expressing the system integrity of various social processes in its generic historically stable invariant essence. It is concluded that the problem of parenthood is related to the resolution of questions about the integrity of an individual and its anthropological authenticity as a human being rooted in the system of national values and worldview universals of national culture, which in the Russian context can be productively solved in the context of the reception of ideas of Russian religious philosophy in modern scientific knowledge.
Key words |
culture, parenthood, family, personal example, values, social anthropological whole |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Image of Parenthood in the National Tradition of Family Upbringing |