Article name Pedagogical Value of the Genre “Tailburi” of Buryat Didactic Literature According to R. Nomtoev’s “Rashiyana drops”
Authors Tsidenova K.G.Senior Lecturer
Sodnomov S.T.Doctor of Pedagogy, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description Tsydenova Kh. G., Sodnomov S. Ts. Pedagogical Value of the Genre “Tailburi” of Buryat Didactic Literature According to R. Nomtoev’s “Rashiyana drops” // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Pedagogical Sciences. 2018. Vol. 13, No. 5. PP. 106–110. DOI: 10.21209/2542-0089-2018-13-5- 106-110.
DOI 10.21209/2542-0089-2018-13-5-106-110
UDK 371.315 (571.54)
Article type
Annotation The article is devoted to the study of one of the significant works of Buryat didactic literature, which has a great pedagogical and esthetic value but is not quite appreciated by modern educational system. In this article the author considers the pedagogical potential of the works in “tailburi” genre in the aspect of spiritual and moral education of students in the conditions of implementation of the Federal State educational standards of general education. Written artifact, didactic work “Rashiyana drops” by Rinchen Nomtoev, being written in the genre of a comment-tailburi, is a source-book of folk pedagogics. Indian literature with comments based primarily on fairy stories and legends plots is known to be a model for Buryat didactic works. As comments of “Rashiyana drops” included examples from Tibetan and Mongolian collections of Indian fairy-stories translations, their educational value is in their reflexive self-upbringing that is in motivating inner factors which are common for every student. Pointing out moral and spiritual aspects is useful in modern pedagogics to develop students’ self-criticism and self-estimation.The article will present interest for experts in the field of ethnopedagogics, methods of teaching the Buryat literature, literature studies.
Key words spiritual and moral aspect, education, Buryat didactic literature, “tailburi” genre, personal meaning, self-education, self-development
Article information
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Full articlePedagogical Value of the Genre “Tailburi” of Buryat Didactic Literature According to R. Nomtoev’s “Rashiyana drops”