Article |
Article name |
On a Vector of Development: Keeping Century Traditions and Finding new Meanings |
Authors |
Bylkov A. .Candidate of Pedagogy |
Bibliographic description |
Bylkov A. V. On a Vector of Development: Keeping Century Traditions and Finding new Meanings // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Pedagogical Sciences. 2018. Vol. 13, No. 5. PP. 111–120. |
Section |
377.8 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The present article is devoted to the 100 anniversary of the Sretensk Teacher Training College – the educational institution of a pedagogical profile, the oldest in Eastern Siberia. The brief analysis of the most significant “points of growth” of establishment during various historical periods is given in it. The role of different generations of teachers who are creating, carefully keeping and developing the traditions of culture and intelligence, which are initially laid down in staff of educational institution, is emphasized. Special attention of the author is concentrated on the period of the
90s of the 20th century – the first decade of the 21st century when the college acted as a leader in the development of innovative processes in the sphere of secondary vocational pedagogical education of the Transbaikal region. The changed social and economic conditions have induced pedagogical staff of college to search of new ways of professional and personal problems solution, to a rise on new semantic levels of professional competence. The author shows the multisyllabic process of professional experience “revision”, definition of new directions of own personal and professional growth of teachers which have allowed to overcome “crisis of competence”. The importance of the mutually enriching cooperation of teachers of secondary vocational education with scientists of the higher school, interregional cooperation in implementation of research projects is emphasized in the work; the attention is focused on stimulating the role of heads of regional committee in creation of integrated system of pedagogical education.
Key words |
teacher training college, crisis of competence, innovative activity, personal and professional formation of future teacher, advancing self-development of a teacher, personally significant image of educational institution |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | On a Vector of Development: Keeping Century Traditions and Finding new Meanings |