Article |
Article name |
Management of Future Secondary Vocational Education Teachers’ Practical Training in the Core University of the Region |
Authors |
Kimova S.Z.Candidate of Pedagogy Associate Professor kimova@mail.ruVasilyev A.A.Specialist |
Bibliographic description |
Kimova S. Z., Vasilyev A. A. Management of Future Secondary Vocational Education Teachers’ Practical Training in the Core University of the Region // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Pedagogical Sciences. 2018. Vol. 13, No. 6. PP. 35–43. DOI: 10.21209/2308-8796-2018-13-6-35-43. |
Section |
10.21209/2308-8796-2018-13-6-35-43 |
378 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The methodological framework for the research of future secondary vocational education (SVE) teachers’ practical training in the core university of the Region is a systemic approach. A system is any quite complicated unit consisted of multiple interdependent elements that interact as the whole with environment. Main detachable parts of the system of future SVE teachers’ education in the core university of the Region are its elements and interactions. This definition of a system has an advantage to spotlight existence of objects which are in state of interactions with environment that cannot be ignored during systemic analysis. The definition also indicates the possibility to scrutinize a system as wholeness if only to take into a full consideration an intensity of interaction among its parts. It gets a system to be whole and detachable from the environment. It is of great importance to define which the most principal elements – so called subsystems – ought to be detached within a system to explain functioning of the object as wholeness (future tutors’ practical instruction). The functional system of future specialists’ education is a basic professional educational program (BPEP) including structural levels. In the BPEP functional system of future SVE teachers’ education in the core university of the Region is practical training. The environment for the practical training of a future SVE teacher in the core university of the Region comes to be seen as a range of situations of varying degrees.
Key words |
practical training, system approach, basic professional educational program, educational service, requirements, consumer |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Management of Future Secondary Vocational Education Teachers’ Practical Training in the Core University of the Region |