Article name Formation of Readiness for Project Activities at Younger Students in the Classroom
Authors Skorova L.V.Candidate of Psychology, Associate Professor
Kachimskaya A.Y.Candidate of Psychology
Bibliographic description Skorova L. V., Kachimskaya A. Yu. Formation of Readiness for Project Activities at Younger Students in the Classroom // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. 2019. Vol. 14, No. 4. PP. 48–58. DOI: 10.21209/2658-7114-2019-14-4-48-58.
DOI 10.21209/2658-7114-2019-14-4-48-58
UDK 378.016
Article type
Annotation The relevance of the study of the schoolchildren readiness to project activities is due to the lack of a system for its formation at different levels of education, as well as the need to incorporate elements of work on a project into the structure of a modern lesson. Particular attention is paid in the article to the correlation of the stages of work on the project with the stages of the lesson, as well as the pedagogical techniques used that contribute to the formation of readiness for project activities. The main research methods were theoretical methods aimed at creating theoretical generalizations, identifying mechanisms for the formation of readiness for project activities. Formation of readiness for project activities is possible with specific actions and operations, and the ability to perform them in a certain sequence. Such an approach implies the definition of design situations aimed at solving a projected problem. The article presents the focus of project assignments at different stages of the lesson (in accordance with the stages of work on the project): at the stage of updating knowledge, tasks are aimed at formulating their own learning problem (problem statement, goal setting and planning); at the procedural stage – discussion, comparison, clarification by students of the available information on achieving the final result, adjusting training actions through correlating an existing sample with an expected one, independently performing a new type of training actions and carrying out their self-examination, organizing an individual situation of educational success (searching and processing information); at the stage of reflection and evaluation – preparing schoolchildren for the introduction of new methods of action, methods of cognitive activity, correlation or conformity (assessment of the result) into the academic use.
Key words Project technology, activity approach, training project, readiness, lesson
Article information
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