Article name Modern Mathematics Education: Opportunities for the Formation of ICT Competence of a Future Teacher
Authors Starostina S.E.Doctor of Pedagogy
Fedotova A.D.Postgraduate Student a.d._fedotova@mail.r
Bibliographic description Starostina S. E., Fedotova A. D. Modern Mathematics Education: Opportunities for the Formation of ICT Competence of a Future Teacher // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. 2020. Vol. 15, No. 5. PP. 56–63. DOI: 10.21209/ 2658-7114-2020-15-5-56-63.
DOI 10.21209/2658-7114-2020-15-5-56-63
UDK 378.637
Article type
Annotation In the context of the transition to a digital economy and the use of information technologies in all spheres of human activity, the problem of training a teacher capable of carrying out professional activities in these conditions becomes urgent. The article shows the importance of mathematics and mathematical education not only for the development of the digital economy and the level of mathematical literacy of the population, but also for the advanced professional training of future mathematics teachers in the field of ICT competence. The authors substantiate the possibility in the formation of the future teacher’s ICT competence within the framework of mathematical education, on the one hand, by the universality of mathematics, which allows transforming a huge amount of information, on the other hand, by referring mathematics and computer science to one subject area of knowledge, which makes it possible to determine generalized educational results in a given subject area. The analysis of the problems of the development of mathematics education allowed the authors to state that in order to increase the competitiveness of a future mathematics teacher in the labor market, he must have not only a high level of subject training, but also possess information educational resources in mathematics, be able to work on information and educational portals, be ready for work in a high-tech digital educational environment. The authors, presenting their own experience, highlight the main directions of using ICT tools in the educational process in mathematics. Particular attention in the article is paid to blended learning, which, based on ICT, changes the role of both the teacher and the student.
Key words mathematics, mathematics education, professional training, ICT competence, information technology, blended learning
Article information
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Full articleModern Mathematics Education: Opportunities for the Formation of ICT Competence of a Future Teacher