Annotation |
This article presents the ways of using digital technologies in solving the actual tasks of a preschool educational organization, namely: the use of digital tools in organizing work with children, parents (legal representatives), in solving the daily tasks of pre-school employees, in implementing management tasks, etc. The article reveals the importance of the process of digitalization of a modern educational organization as one of the key factors for the success of the implementation of the educational process, as well as in solving a wide range of issues in preschool education. The author notes a number of opportunities presented to the teams of preschool educational organizations when using digital tools. Applied research methods: theoretical-analysis of pedagogical and educational-methodical literature, articles of practical teachers and researchers in the field of education. The authors present their own tool-navigator for the implementation of the digitalization process of a modern preschool educational organization with an indication of specific tasks solved by the kindergarten teaching staff and digital tools that contribute to solving these tasks. The above – mentioned navigator tool can be useful for kindergarten teachers who directly organize the educational process with children and interact with parents (legal representatives), other specialists of preschool education when organizing their work, as well as the management staff of educational organizations. According to the results of the study, the conclusion is formulated that when using digital technologies in preschool education, a wide range of opportunities opens up for kindergarten teams that significantly update the activities of an educational organization and bring it to a completely new level, the level of mobility, efficiency and effectiveness of all processes occurring in it. The competent use of digital tools is one of the factors of the success of the activities of the kindergartens. |
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