Article name Activation of Students’ Abilities for Self-Development by Means of the Multicultural Content of Continuous Pedagogical Education
Authors Tkach L.T.Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor
Gello T.А.Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description Tkach L. T., Gello T. А. Activation of Students’ Abilities for Self-Development by Means of the Multicultural Content of Continuous Pedagogical Education // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. 2021. Vol. 16, No. 5. РР. 105–114. DOI: 10.21209/ 2658-7114-2021-16-5-105-114.
DOI 10.21209/2658-7114-2021-16-5-105-114
UDK 378.14
Article type
Annotation The use of continuity as a principle of organizing the educational process at a university is aimed at creating conditions that regulate the processes of self-education and self-organization of students, ensuring the formation of their subject position and the possibility of full participation in a dialogue with the teacher on the problems of the studied content of the disciplines of the main professional educational program. Based on the analysis of the formation of the theory and practice of lifelong education, the authors came to the conclusion that it is possible to apply its main ideas and principles in the design of the multicultural content of pedagogical education and the development of technologies for its development, which allow to indirectly control the process of formation of students’ abilities for self-development, which we understand as continuous activity in self-improvement and the development of personal professionally significant qualities, based on the desire to acquire new knowledge and due to one’s own choice in the context of the goal and objectives of the discipline and the requirements of the main professional educational program for the profile of training. The authors believe that the multicultural content of pedagogical education includes information related to various cultural groups and ethnic groups living in the region and their development will allow interaction in the pedagogical process on the basis of cooperation, taking into account the individual characteristics and cultural differences of pupils and their parents (legal representatives).Continuity is ensured through the system of classroom and extracurricular work on the study of the discipline “Multicultural education” and independent work of students in the project “Ethnology of Pridnestrovie”, which is an integral part of the course. The inclusion of students in project activities is carried out on the basis of their independent choice (topic, types of activities, etc.) and is aimed at the development of a humanistic orientation, a positive attitude towards oneself and representatives of other cultural groups, responsibility, acceptance of universal human values and the formation of other qualities, which in general characterize the ability for self-development.
Key words self-development, ability, multicultural education, continuity, teacher education content, project
Article information
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Full articleActivation of Students’ Abilities for Self-Development by Means of the Multicultural Content of Continuous Pedagogical Education