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The relevance of the study is determined, firstly, by a decrease in the reader’s interest in classical fiction on the part of adolescents, which can affect the level of both general and psychological culture of entire generations, and secondly, insufficient study of the possibilities of literature as a tool for the formation of psychological culture in schoolchildren, and, thirdly, the lack of diagnostic tools to identify the level of development of the components of psychological culture. Basic research methods: theoretical methods aimed at creating theoretical generalizations that allow us to consider fiction as a tool for the development of psychological culture and its components; a survey identifying the preferred literary genre, indicators of the attractiveness of the book when choosing and reading it; content analysis, allowing to assess the frequency distribution of words, phrases, word combinations that characterize the components of psychological culture. The paper presents a toolkit for identifying the value-semantic component of psychological culture in schoolchildren: “conversation” with the hero of a literary work and analysis of a fragment of the work. The article identifies the components of the value-semantic component of the psychological culture of schoolchildren when working with a text on the analysis of the hero: cognitive (they formulate the goals of the hero’s actions, understand what values/beliefs determine them, describe the attitude of the hero towards himself, other people, the situation, the upcoming action), emotional (describe the emotional states of the hero, his experiences in a specific situation) and motivational (assess the choice made by the hero or the decision made, explain the reasons and consequences of the actions/actions taken). Revealed their uneven presentation in the analysis of the hero by a fragment of the work and “conversation” with the hero in the format of an essay. It was found that there was a correspondence between the selected components when writing an essay and analyzing a fragment of the work: schoolchildren who, when writing an essay, paid attention to the emotional component of psychological culture, when analyzing a fragment, they more successfully determine it in the text, schoolchildren who paid attention in an essay to the cognitive component of the semantic component, during the analysis of a fragment of a literary work, showed that they are equally good at determining both the emotional and motivational components of the value-semantic component of psychological culture. |
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