Bibliographic description |
189 Отечественная педагогика: история и современность 13. Lebedeva, N. M. Basic values of Russian culture on the turn of XXI century. Journal on psychology, no. 3, pp. 73–87, 2000. (In Rus.) 14. Nevskaya, S. S. Education of citizen in A. S. Makarenko’s pedagogy. М: Akademicheskii proekt, Alma Mater, 2006. (In Rus.) 15. Yakovlev, S. V. Education of valued-based elements of personality: M: INFRA-M, 2017. (In Rus.) 16. Nevskaya, S. S. L. I. Petragicki on motives of human behavior. National and foreign pedagogics, no. 3, pp. 33–44, 2016. (In Rus.) 17. Timofeeva, O. V. The owl and the angel. Logos, no. 2, pp. 133–158, 2016. (In Rus). 18. Uryupin I. S. Pedagogical discourse in essays and feulletons Felietonov M. A. Bulgakov in 1920. Eleck: 2007: 72–79 (In Rus.) 19. Benjamin, W. The Arcades Project. H. Eiland, K. McLaughlin (trans.). Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press, 1999. P. 473. (In Eng.) 20. Chindin, I. V. Revolution from socialism or evolution of Messianism? «Proceedings of Voronezh State University. Series: Philosophy», no. 1, pp. 119–134, 2010. (In Rus.) 21. Robotova, A. S. About features of Current scientific and pedagogical discourse. Higher education in Russia, no. 7, pp. 9–19, 2011. (In Rus.) Received: August 5, 2021; accepted for publication 15 September, 2021 Reference to the article |
Annotation |
Education of “new man” represents one of main components in transitional period in history of humankind as far as the ideal of new man concerned not only society as such, but also important fields like, and more specifically, education. October revolution is not an exclusion considering that creation of such “mysterious” entity like “new” man loomed in minds of many builders of socialism. Among pedagogical theories and currents, which emerged at that time, the luckiest and generally accepted, and on the international level, was concept of A. S. Makarenko who sharply criticized pedagogical science of that time and tried to educate “new man” his own way. His literary and pedagogical activity is a structured program of (re-)education of homeless children deeply rooted in pre-Revolutionary pedagogical and philosophical tradition, allowing A. S. Makarenko to overcome ideological orientations of his time to shape real personality and create a genuine new man. Consequently, for the author of present article, we can consider appropriate to compare artistic works and theoretical writings of A. S. Makarenko to M. A. Bulgakov, and strictly to novel “A Dog’s heart”. There question about “new man” is raised, but it is not completely resolved, if considering that it is impossible to change humans unless a multileveled process of social development it is not ensured. Ideological and personal views of both thinkers about representatives of new power and Pre-revolutionary Russia create conditions, which allow to analyze the notion of “new man” and to juxtapose two projects for education of the latter. In turn, it is possible to underscore humanistic potential of A. S. Makarenko and M. A. Bulgakov’s outlook for their possible application to contemporary pedagogical theory and educational approaches to shape a versatile personality, able to participate in development of society. |
References |
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