Article name The Teacher’s Methodical Competencies in the Development of Students with Disabilities of Creative Abilities Based on the Content of the Subject
Authors Djakova E.A.Doctor of Pedagogy, professor
Nemykh O.A.Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor
Shermadina N.A.Candidate of Pedagogy
Bibliographic description Dyakova E. A., Nemykh O. A., Shermadina N. A. The Teacher’s Methodical Competencies in the Development of Students with Disabilities of Creative Abilities Based on the Content of the Subject // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. 2022. Vol. 17, No. 3. PP. 24–33. DOI: 10.21209/2658-7114-2022-17-3-24-33.
DOI 10.21209/2658-7114-2022-17-3-24-33
UDK 378(376.112.4):159:92
Article type
Annotation The requirement of socialization of children with disabilities, implemented by schools of the Russian Federation, involves teaching such children in regular classes to provide opportunities for a variety of contacts and communications with peers. However, the area of their creative abilities and giftedness development remains an unexplored and rarely realized aspect of the socialization of such children. The analysis of the available scientific and methodological studies shows that almost in the absolute majority all of them are devoted to the development of artistic, musical abilities, applied creativity, etc. The modern educational environment makes available resources for the intellectual development of children with disabilities, providing them with the same opportunities as children without restrictions (with the exception of children with developmental delay). Federal Law No. 273 suggests doing this as part of additional education, the potential of the process of studying subjects is practically not used. One of the reasons is the insufficient number of scientific and methodological studies on the development, including intellectual giftedness in children with disabilities, which has its own specifics. Each subject has significant potential for this, but the necessary methodological materials and recommendations have not been developed. The authors discuss the theoretical foundations of the teachers’ methodological competencies formation in the organization of the development of students with disabilities (children with visual impairments) creative abilities based on the content of the subject. The methods used are analysis of pedagogical and methodological sources; modeling; questioning, study and generalization of experience. As a result of the research, a set of competencies in the organization of the development of students with visual impairments of creative abilities based on the content of the subject “physics” is proposed.
Key words teacher competencies, children with disabilities, development, creativity, visual impairment
Article information
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