Article name Opportunities for the Formation of University Students’ Digital Competence
Authors Petrosyan S.B.Candidate of Pedagogy
Bibliographic description Petrosyan S. B. Opportunities for the Formation of Digital Competence of University Students // Scholarly Notes of the Transbaikal State University. 2022. Vol. 17, no. 4. РР. 24–35. DOI: 10.21209/2658-7114-2022-17-4-24-35.
DOI 10.21209/2658-7114-2022-17-4-24-35
UDK 378
Article type Original article
Annotation The relevance of this article lies in the fact that during the period of the accelerating process of the technological development of society, the active introduction of electronic and distance learning technologies, electronic educational resources, the creation of a digital educational environment, it is necessary to prevent emerging very controversial problems. One of which is the demand for primary school teachers who have the necessary skills to work in a digital educational environment and the urgent need that arises against this background to prepare students and undergraduates for professional activities in accordance with modern educational trends. Thus, the article presents an analysis of the problem of preparing modern undergraduates in the direction “Pedagogical education”, profile “Primary education” for the implementation of their professional activities in the context of creating a unified digital educational environment of elementary school. A study developed on the basis of the methods of K. Zamfir (modified by A. A. Rean), V. I. Andreeva, studies by S. A. Zaitseva, where undergraduates were asked to complete tasks and answer questions related to the organization of a unified digital educational environment in elementary school. The study has made it possible to identify the level of their readiness to use digital technologies in their professional activities that contribute to the creation of a digital educational environment in elementary school. The task of the study was also to identify “gaps” in the process of developing the digital competence of undergraduates and further work to eliminate them, in order to prepare highly qualified specialists with skills that will allow them to independently develop and improve their digital competence and maintain professional mobility. The author of the article offers practical tasks that will improve the level of digital knowledge and skills of undergraduates: knowledge about digital technologies, understanding the possibilities of their use, understanding the essence of the digital transformation of the educational process, the skill of working with information, the ability to work in a unified digital educational environment of elementary school, etc. The research materials can be useful for teachers of universities, secondary vocational education, as well as additional education in organizing the process of professional training of primary school teachers.
Key words digital transformation of education, digital competence, digital competence, digitalization of the educational process, digital technologies, primary education
Article information
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