Article name Conditions Support for the Development of Emotional Responsiveness of Older Preschool Children
Authors Verbovskaya V.S.Assistant lerawerb@
Bibliographic description Verbovskaya V. S. Conditions Support for the Development of Emotional Responsiveness of Older Preschool Children // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. 2023. Vol. 18, no. 2. P. 75–85. DOI: 10.21209/2658-7114-2023-18-2-75-85.
DOI 10.21209/2658-7114-2023-18-2-75-85
UDK 373
Article type Original article
Annotation The problem of developing emotional responsiveness of children is an urgent pedagogical problem determined by modern social situations of social development. In pedagogical research of the last decades, an active search is being conducted for effective means for the development of emotional responsiveness. However, an independent study of the development of emotional responsiveness of older preschool children in musical activity has not been carried out. This paper describes a pedagogical experiment to evaluate the effectiveness of the conditions of pedagogical support for the development of emotional responsiveness of children in a preschool educational organization, which was the purpose of the publication. The methodological basis of the experiment was the provisions of personality-oriented and subject-activity approaches that determined the choice of diagnostic procedures and the logic of the formative experiment. As a result, it was proved that emotional responsiveness as a personal quality is really capable of developing in the senior preschool age when creating the necessary conditions in the educational environment of kindergarten. This conclusion is confirmed by the significant positive dynamics of all structural components of emotional responsiveness in the evaluation of quantitative indicators. Relying on the subject-activity approach, the preferred activity of preschoolers – musical collective activity ‒ has been diagnostically identified. Music is justified as an optimal means for the development of emotional responsiveness in the work. The novelty of this study is the proven position that the development of emotional responsiveness to music in the process of activity is transformed into responsiveness to another person. At the same time, in the process of pedagogical support, the child acquires and accumulates a socially approved experience of emotional response in the manifestation of responsiveness, empathy, acceptance of another person in the space of emotionally saturated social and communicative development. In theoretical and methodological terms, the work is useful for employees of preschool educational organizations, students.
Key words emotional responsiveness, senior preschool age, pedagogical support, development, musicalactivity, emotions
Article information
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Full articleConditions Support for the Development of Emotional Responsiveness of Older Preschool Children