Annotation |
This article presents practice-oriented approaches to the development of prerequisites for natural science
literacy among older preschoolers in the process of implementing STEAM projects. The authors reveal
the content of work with preschool children aimed at developing the prerequisites of natural science literacy,
and also indicate the relevance of starting work with children in this area at the stage of preschool childhood.
A comparative analysis of the content of natural science literacy of children and the provisions of the content
section of the Federal Educational Program of Preschool Education was carried out, this analysis allowed
to expand the aspects of the relevance of this study. A number of opportunities presented to the teams of
preschool educational organizations when using STEAM technology in the development of prerequisites for
natural science literacy among preschoolers are noted. The authors present examples of STEAM projects
implemented in educational organizations of the city of Moscow with preschool children aimed at developing and educational-methodical literature, articles of practical teachers and researchers in the field of education.
The authors present their own practical tool – an algorithm for designing STEAM projects in working with
preschool children. The above tool will be useful for kindergarten teachers, preschool education specialists,
methodologists, teachers of additional education implementing educational programs with preschool children.
According to the results of the study, the conclusion is formulated that the implementation of STEAM projects
is a comprehensive and effective tool that contributes to the development of prerequisites for natural science
literacy among older preschoolers, children’s interest in natural science knowledge, the ability to formulate
scientific questions, refer to scientific knowledge, apply them and draw conclusions based on available facts. |
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