Article name Studying the Communicative Culture of Senior Preschoolers from the Position of the Theory of Mind
Authors Khalimdarova G.R.postgraduate
Bibliographic description Khalimdarova G. R. Studying the Communicative Culture of Senior Preschoolers from the Position of the Theory of Mind // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. 2023. Vol. 18, no. 2. Р. 106–116. DOI: 10.21209/ 2658-7114-2023-18-2-106-116.
DOI 10.21209/2658-7114-2023-18-2-106-116
UDK 373.3
Article type Original article
Annotation The article presents the experience of studying the communicative culture of senior preschoolers and its connection with the theory of mind. Modern researchers such as A.Yu. Rachugina (Ulanova), E. A. Sergienko, Ida Kurcz have established the relationship between communicative skills, communicative competence, informational success of communication of a senior preschooler and the development of the theory of mind. However, no work has been carried out that would allow to establish or refute the connection between the formation of the behavioral component of communicative culture and the development of the theory of mind in senior preschoolers. As a rule, visible manifestations of the behavioral component are reflected in the actions and actions of the child in relation to adults and peers. Its formation is confirmed by the ability to solve conflicts independently, comply with the rules, propose the goal of a common activity, plan its content, coordinate actions with others when solving common tasks, etc. Thus, the purpose of this research is to study the connection of the theory of mind with the development of the behavioral component of the communicative culture of senior preschoolers. The methods used in the study include the analysis of literary sources of domestic and foreign scientists, observation of children, testing, and the method of mathematical data processing. Within the framework of the study, the main content and semantic aspects of the concept of “communicative culture of a senior preschooler” are determined, approaches to the study of the phenomenon of the theory of mind are analyzed. The article describes in detail the methodology of diagnostics of the theory of mind of senior preschoolers, which has been carried out with the help of foreign methods of diagnostics of this ability adapted by us. As a part of the study, the behavioral component of the communicative culture has also been diagnosed, taking into account the multidimensional nature of the phenomenon under study. The results of the correlation analysis indicate the presence of significant links between such criteria of the behavioral component as the ability to constructive cooperation, manifestation of organizational skills and development of the theory of consciousness in preschoolers. The data obtained will expand the existing understanding of the mechanisms of formation of the communicative culture of senior preschoolers.
Key words communicative culture, preschool education, theory of mind, communication, senior preschoolage
Article information
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