Article name The Virtual Travel in Foreign Language Communicative Competence Developing of Pedagogical Direction Students
Authors Baeva I.V.Candidate of Pedagogy
Bibliographic description Baeva I. V. The Virtual Travel Technology Role in Foreign Language Communicative Competence Developing of Pedagogical Direction Students // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. 2023. Vol. 18, no. 2. Р. 127–134. DOI: 10.21209/2658-7114-2023-18-2-127-134.
DOI 10.21209/2658-7114-2023-18-2-127-134
UDK 372. 881.111.1
Article type Original article
Annotation The issue of organizing virtual trips in foreign language classes at the university and other educational organizations arouses considerable interest among Russian and foreign authors. Undoubted relevance of virtual tours was acquired in today’s conditions of digitalization of the educational environment. The growing number of published scientific articles and manuals on the organization of distance travelling in English classes is the best example. The purpose of the study is to concretize methodically virtual travel as a technology in the development of student’s foreign language communicative competence. The main methods are scientific literature studying and referencing, products of students’ activities analysis, questionnaires and pedagogical experiment. The hypothesis proof is about effective foreign language communicative competence development pedagogical direction and language profile students in the conditions of virtual travel showed the results of student activity that were obtained during the experimental digital tours. The practical significance is expressed in the use of virtual travel platforms by students for self-improvement from the position of students and in professional future teachers’ development. Innovation lies in the application of the author’s pedagogical technology “verbal digital portfolio” and the saving the language product in the form of a video story about a visit in the section “My virtual travels”. Adaptive-and-integrative approach has been developed to implement the principles of visibility and communicative orientation that promotes digital adaptation and integration of knowledge from various fields, as virtual travel is impossible without cultural, historical, geographical or literary information. The prospects of the research are laid in virtual tours improvement and new forms of teaching foreign languages development, as well as individual competencies of students.
Key words virtual journey, foreign language communicative competence, verbal digital portfolio, digitaleducational environment, higher pedagogical education, practical course of the main foreign language
Article information
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