Annotation |
Use of a lexical approach in teaching students of technical majors has become relevant and popular in
recent years. To develop communication skills of a modern mining specialist and master professional English
vocabulary, it is necessary to use the elements of the lexical approach in the course of studying the discipline
“Foreign Language”. The relevance of this study is due to the need to study the possibilities of applying
the lexical approach to the formation and development of a mining student’s lexical competence. Lexical
competence is one of the components of linguistic competence and plays a leading role in the formation
of the future engineer’s communicative skills. It can be considered as one of the strategically important
competencies, since its formation influences the ability to use language depending on the communication
situation. This study aims to examine the theory and practice of applying the lexical approach, to determine
and identify its advantages, as well as the results of its use for the development of the future mining engineer’s
lexical competence. The research methods we applied involved analysis, comparison, generalization of
scientific literature on the use of the lexical approach, as well as empirical methods, including observation,
questionnaires, review of experience, etc. The paper presents author’s recommendations and a set of training
tasks and techniques aimed at mastering specialized vocabulary, allowing to apply the lexical approach in teaching a foreign language (English) to the students of mining engineering majors. The conclusion can also
be drawn that further work is needed to draw up special exercises and teaching materials for the development
of the lexical competence of future mining engineers. |
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